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Planning Board Minutes 09/16/14
Planning Board
September 16, 2014
Approved October 21, 2014

Members Present: Bruce Healey, Chair; Tom Vannatta, Vice-Chair; Ron Williams, Bill Weiler, Russell Smith, Members; Richard Wright, Ex-officio Member; Deane Geddes, Alternate; Mike McCrory, Advisor.

Mr. Healey called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

Mr. Healey appointed Mr. Geddes as a voting member for this meeting.


There were no minutes available for review.

Tackle Shack
Mr. Healey expressed concern regarding the appearance of two storage containers alongside of the Tackle Shack and pointed out that they are being used for an extension to the existing business.

Mr. Wright noted that the town does not regulate storage containers if they are not affixed to the ground. He added that the town does not regulate what the containers are used for. He said this policy has been in place for years. He added that Dale Sandy, Tackle Shack proprietor has painted the containers to match the business building.

Mr. Weiler pointed out that there is a limit to what a business owner can do before a site plan review is necessitated.

CIP Update
Mr. McCrory said the CIP meetings went well and a draft of the CIP is being distributed to the committee, the Town Administrator and Ivor Freeman, CIP chair. He said the draft will be ready for review by the Planning Board at their October meeting.

Newbury Elderly Housing, Inc. Update
Mr. Healey informed the Board that the Open House planned for the Newbury Elderly Housing project cannot be held until a Certificate of Occupancy and insurance concerns are met. He added that project completion is close and that Nancy Dickerson, chair of the oversight committee for the Newbury Elderly Housing project, has not indicated a date as yet for the Open House.  

CASE: Case 2014-010: Public Hearing - Final Site Plan Review  -  Baker Hill Golf Club/agent: Rick Flint - Old Hampshire Designs.  Tax Map 038-758-501.  Tear down existing cart barn and build a larger multi-use building.

Mr. Healey read into the record the following Public Notice:
Notice is hereby given that the Planning Board will receive submission of an Application for a Final Site Plan Review from Baker Hill Golf Club to tear down the existing cart barn and build a larger multi-use building, for property located at 101 Baker Hill Rd, Newbury, NH, Tax Map 038-758-501 on Tuesday, September 16, 2014, at 7:15 p.m. in the Town Office Building at 937 Route 103 in Newbury, NH.  If the application is accepted as complete, a public hearing on the application will commence at the same meeting. Copies of the plan are available for public review at the Town Office Building during regular business hours.  Interested citizens are encouraged to attend the public hearing and express their views.  Signed written comments will be accepted during business hours at least one (1) business day prior to the meeting at the Land Use Office.  Land Use Office hours are as follows: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8am to noon.

The application was reviewed for completeness.

Mr. Vannatta noted that the abutters list is a year old. Rick Flint, Old Hampshire Designs, agent, said he thinks the list is current but that the date on the list was not changed.

Mr. Weiler said Mr. Flint must produce an affidavit stating that the names on the submitted abutters list were collected on a specific date. Mr. Flint agreed to do so.

Mr. Healey called for a Motion to Vote.

Mr. Weiler made a motion to accept the application as complete. Mr. Vannatta seconded the motion. Mr. Healey called for a Roll Call vote.
In Favor: Mr. Geddes, Mr. Smith, Mr. Wright, Mr. Williams, Mr. Vannatta, Mr. Weiler, Mr. Healey
Opposed: None

Mr. Flint and Michael Jesanis, Baker Hill member, agent, presented to the Board.

Mr. Jesanis said the Club decided to replace the existing cart barn with another cart barn that will house 60 golf carts. The current cart capacity is 52. Additionally, the new cart barn will have two new bathrooms on the first floor near the first tee (for members) and a small office on the second floor for the head golf pro.

Mr. Flint said there will be no lockers and the proposed footprint is 2500 square feet, half the size of the proposed plan submitted last year.

Mr. Jesanis said the new cart barn will be open the same days and time schedule as the current cart barn and that no additional staff will be needed to operate the new facility. He added that the new cart barn will not increase the amount of traffic in and out of the site and that no new parking spaces will be needed. He said the same utility service providers will be used. Also, the proposed cart barn will allow the Club to serve its members more efficiently and better meet current operating needs.

Mr. Healey asked if the building footprint will be the same. Mr. Jesanis said no, the new building will be 16-feet from the road. The existing barn is adjacent to the road and presented problems with snow drifting onto the road from the barn roof. He said the proposed cart barn will be 77-feet by 36-feet, which is larger than the existing barn.

Mr. Weiler noted that the proposed barn is shorter in length than the proposed plan last year.

Mr. Geddes asked about the extent of the site work for the new building, specifically relating to roof runoff. Mr. Flint said the proposed drains are similar to the ones proposed last year but are fewer in number. Mr. Jesanis added that the drainage will begin in the courtyard area.

Mr. Flint discussed the existing stone walls on the property. He said the stone wall that runs east and west has historical significance but the wall running north and south was constructed 67 years ago and did not qualify as historically significant.

There was discussion regarding how stormwater will be managed. Mr. Healey said a stormwater management plan is part of the requirements of a building permit.

Mr. Smith asked if all the proposed drains go into the irrigation ponds. Mr. Jesanis said yes.

Mr. Healey noted that the proposed lighting for the new barn remains the same as what was in last year’s proposed plan but informed the applicant that the town regulations regarding lighting have changed.

There was general discussion regarding exterior lighting.

Mr. Weiler said the light bulb should be shielded from road traffic but shine downward. He suggested using a shroud to accomplish same and suggested that the applicant investigate the various styles that meet dark sky criteria.

Mr. Flint noted that there were floodlights on the north side of the existing building and one on the east side, adding that plans are to keep both lights the same on the new building. Discussion followed regarding the beam direction.

The Board reviewed the construction sequence which appeared on page 4 and page 5 of the plans.

Mr. Wright asked about construction completion dates. Mr. Flint said completion is anticipated by May 2015. Mr. Wright asked if some work would be done this fall. Mr. Flint said yes, after Columbus Day weekend.

Mr. Healey noted that one of the conditions precedent from the original plan submitted last year was to install all drainage prior to construction. Mr. Weiler said it is on the current plan.

There was further discussion regarding the proposed installation of the drainage structure.

Mr. Healey noted that the location of the propane tanks must be shown on the plan. Mr. Flint agreed to do so.

Mr. Healey asked if the two new bathrooms will connect into the existing sewer lines. Mr. Flint said yes.

There being no further questions from the Board, Mr. Healey open the public portion of the meeting.

        Brenda Diglio, North Sutton, said she owns the property across the street and requested that the proposed exterior lights on the north, east and west side be shielded and be put on timers to ensure a cutoff time of 10:00 p.m., per previous Planning Board and Zoning board of Adjustment approvals.

There being no further comment from the Public, Mr. Healey closed the public portion of the meeting and the Board went into deliberations.

Mr. Healey asked if the new exterior lights will be on a reliable timer system. Mr. Flint said yes, adding that the current lights are on a timer system. Discussion followed regarding how to best accomplish a reliable cutoff time for all the exterior lights – existing and proposed – in the face of unforeseen power outages.

Mr. Williams suggested that the applicant have an engineer examine the planned pipe diameters relative to the existing catch basin, noting that a better flow could be achieved with a modification to the proposed pipe widths. He added that the roof of the new cart barn will produce a lot of runoff and the applicant should have a licensed civil engineer prepare design calculations regarding stormwater runoff and give same to the Code Enforcement Officer.

There being no further discussion from the Board, Mr. Healey called for a Motion to Vote.

Mr. Weiler made a motion to approve the application for a final site plan review with the following conditions precedent and subsequent:
Conditions precedent: that the date of the abutter list be certified; and that the location of the underground propane tank be shown on the plan and that a new copy of the plan be submitted.
Conditions subsequent: that the proposed exterior lighting be compliant with Section 9.1.4 of the Newbury zoning ordinance; and that the timers on the new exterior lighting comply with town regulations.
Mr. Geddes seconded the motion.

Mr. Healey called for a Roll Call vote.
In Favor: Mr. Geddes, Mr. Smith, Mr. Wright, Mr. Williams, Mr. Vannatta, Mr. Weiler, Mr. Healey
Opposed: None

Mr. Healey advised the applicant and agents that they or any party directly affected by the Board’s decision may appeal to the proper Board or Superior Court within thirty (30) days of the Board’s decision.

CASE: Conceptual – Rockwell Properties, Stone Face Excavating, Joshua Perkins, 882 Route 103, Newbury, Tax Map/Lot 20B-046-050; erect a 24-foot by 24-foot sand shed on property to house winter sand.

Josh Perkins said he would like to re-erect an acquired two-car garage on his property in which to store winter sand. He said the square footage is 28 square feet over the minor site plan review criterion of 500 square foot maximum.

Mr. Vannatta asked if there were any setback problems with the proposed location. Mr. Perkins said the proposed location is outside of the 300-foot buffer zone. He added that there is a small wetland on the property, a result of runoff from Old Post Road. He said the floor of the garage would be dirt and that he plans to put down an impervious floor within a year.
Mr. Weiler said Mr. Perkins could request a waiver regarding the 28 square foot overage, present an existing site plan, and present a final minor site plan review. He referred Mr. Perkins to Section VI Minor Site Plan Review and Article VIII Waiver Requirements.


Land Use Board Coordinator
Mr. Healey informed the Board that Patricia Sweet-MacDonald has been hired as the new Land Use & Assessing Administrator.

Voluntary Merger of Lots of Record Request
Mr. Healey informed the Board of receipt of an application that is not dated. There was Board consensus that an email be sent to the applicant requesting authorization to date the application.

LSPA Watershed Committee Shoreland Regulations Matrix
The Board reviewed the Shoreland Regulations Matrix prepared by the LSPA Watershed Committee. There was significant discussion about the purpose of the matrix, the Board’s next step, and where enforcement lies. Discussion centered on five areas of concern submitted by the Watershed Committee, namely, enforcement, monitoring, stormwater management, restoration, and septic systems.

The Board agreed that septic system enforcement lies with the state, and monitoring lies with the Board of Selectmen and the Code Enforcement Officer.  

As a next step, Mr. Wright suggested that a representative from the Planning Board, the Board of Selectmen, and Conservation Commission from each of the watershed towns meet with the LSPA Watershed Committee and participate in a discussion on these five areas of concern. Mr. McCrory agreed.

Mr. Weiler made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Vannatta seconded the motion. All in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Whittemore
Recording Secretary